Role of CADB
CADB was established in 1990 as the Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board (CALDB) to replace similar state-based boards at the time of the implementation of the Corporations Act 1989 and the ASIC Act 1989.
On 1 March 2017 the Board's name was changed to the Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board (CADB) following legislative amendments contained in the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, which among other things, transferred the disciplinary function in relation to liquidators to ASIC.
The Board is required by the Corporations Act 2001 to determine whether a registered auditor should be dealt with under section 1292 for any of the reasons set out more fully in the Functions section of this website.
CADB members are appointed by the Treasurer based on the requirements of the ASIC Act 2001 and have a breadth of knowledge and experience encompassing the law, accounting and business.